Network Device Configuration Templating with YAML, Jinja2, Python and Ansible
It was long time I had some fun writing some programming code. The other day I was thinking about one of my daily assignment as a network engineer - configuring network devices. Most of the time when we configure a network device - we start from a predefined configuration template which is copied from an existing device (the actual configuration); then open it in a text editor and do a search and replace operation to change the configuration according to the new device and it's configurations.
What is wrong with this approach? First of all most of the time there is a risk that we will forget to change something; because we are doing a search and replace in a text editor and we have not made a list what are the things/configurations only need to change. Secondly there is no reusability; every time I need to open this text file and make changes by hand.
Let's think for a moment. What are the things we actually change - when we configure a new device from an existing configuration? Things like - interface IP address, interface descriptions, vlan, routing information, switch port configuration etc. are actually changed. Other information like - logging, ssh server, aaa settings etc. remain the same most of the time.
Now programming comes to our rescue. From above we already know some configuration items are changing (which are variable items) and some items are not changing (which are static items). Isn't it wonderful if we can just define a configuration file with variables. Then when creating a new configuration just provide the value of the variables and in return we get the full configuration for the new device. No more search and replace; we will just work with items which are changing from device to device and one template file will generate configuration for all of our devices. Welcome to the world of configuration templating with YAML, Jinja2, Python and Ansible !!!
What is configuration templating
I will try to cover the basic things which will allow most of us do basic templating. We need three things for generating configuration by using templates -
- YAML data file - A file containing configuration items which are changed during a configuration task. In other words a file which contains our variables written in YAML syntax.
- Jinja template file - A file which contains the whole configuration of a network device. The difference between a jinja template and normal device configuration file is that - in template we will use variables, looping, conditional etc. programming constructs. These constricts will be replaced when we generate a device configuration.
- Configuration generator - This is the secret sauce that binds together a YAML data source & Jinja template and generates the actual configuration according to our need. It our case we can use either a python script or ansible playbook to achieve the same result.
Installing the prerequisite
We are using Linux - Debian 10 as our development environment. We need the following commands to install the necessary packages -
apt update
apt install python3-pip ansible
pip3 install Jinja2 PyYAML
That's it - we are done with installation.
Let's do some templating
We have a Cisco switch; we will generate it's configuration using templating.
Let's have a look at our YAML data file which contains the values of the different items; which change during configuration of a Cisco IOS switch. The file name is - my-data.yml.
HostName: Test-Sw-01
- VlanId: 10
VlanName: MGMT
- VlanId: 20
VlanName: ACCESS
- IntName: Gi0/1
IntDescription: "To-PC01"
IntTrunk: false
- IntName: Gi0/2
IntDescription: "To-PC02"
IntTrunk: false
- IntName: Gi0/3
IntDescription: "To-PC03"
IntTrunk: false
- IntName: Gi0/10
IntDescription: "Uplink-GW"
IntTrunk: true
MgmtVlan: 10
In the data YAML file; green color represents a variable/configuration item and aqua color represents it's value.
Then we will look at our Jinja template file which references our variables defined in the YAML file. The file name is - my-template.j2.
hostname {{ HostName }}
logging origin-id hostname
logging console debugging
logging buffered debugging
logging monitor debugging
logging trap debugging
{% for Vlan in Vlans -%}
vlan {{ Vlan['VlanId'] }}
name {{ Vlan['VlanName'] }}
{% endfor -%}
{% for Interface in SwInterfaces -%}
interface {{ Interface['IntName'] }}
description {{ Interface['IntDescription'] }}
no shutdown
{% if Interface['IntTrunk'] -%}
switchport mode trunk
{% else -%}
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan {{ Vlans[1]['VlanId'] }}
{% endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
interface vlan {{MgmtVlan}}
ip address {{ MgmtVlanIp}}
no shutdown
ip default-gateway {{DefaultGw}}
We can see that in the jinja template we are referencing the variables defined (aqua color) in the yaml data file and some programming constructs like loop, if..else to do the repetitive tasks (creating multiple vlans) and do some verification (port - access or trunk).
Then we will use either Ansible playbook or a Python script to change the values of the variables defined in the template file from the data file.
When using Ansible; our playbook YAML looks like below. The file name is my-playbook.yml.
- hosts: localhost
- my-data.yml
- name: Create a Cisco Switch Configuration
src: my-template.j2
dest: my-output.txt
If we run the following linux command; then we will get a file named my-output.txt in the current directory which contains the actual configuration of our Cisco switch.
$ ansible-playbook my-playbook.yml
PLAY [localhost] *********************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] ***************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK [Create a Cisco Switch Configuration] ***********************************************
ok: [localhost]
PLAY RECAP *************************************
localhost : ok=2 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
$ cat my-output.txt
hostname Test-Sw-01
logging origin-id hostname
logging console debugging
logging buffered debugging
logging monitor debugging
logging trap debugging
vlan 10
name MGMT
vlan 20
interface Gi0/1
description To-PC01
no shutdown
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 20
interface Gi0/2
description To-PC02
no shutdown
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 20
interface Gi0/3
description To-PC03
no shutdown
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 20
interface Gi0/10
description Uplink-GW
no shutdown
switchport mode trunk
interface vlan 10
ip address
no shutdown
ip default-gateway
We can see that all the variables in the template file is replaced with their corresponding values from the data file (like hostname, gateway, interface description etc.). From now on we will just change the values in the YAML data file and get configuration for our different switches according to our needs. No more needing of touching the actual configuration file.
The ansible part can also be done with a Python script. The script file name is
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import yaml
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader
from jinja2 import TemplateNotFound
# Initialize the Jinja2 environment to load templates
# from the current directory
env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader('.'))
template = env.get_template(sys.argv[1])
# Load the context YAML file into a Python dictionary
with open(sys.argv[2], 'r') as datafile:
context = yaml.full_load(datafile)
# Render the template and save the resulting document into a file
rendered_template = template.render(**context)
config_file = open(sys.argv[3], "w+")
We can run this script as follows -
$ ./my-generate my-template.j2 my-data.yml my-output.txt
Both the Ansible and the Python script will output the same thing. The advantage with ansible is that you do not need to have any python programming knowledge.
- I am attaching all the example files in a zip achieve. As both YAML and Python are very sensitive to indentation; it is recommended to download the zip file and run the codes from there.
- As huge shout out to blog. I have actually used the python code from his blog.
1. Downloadable files shown in the blog -
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