Cisco ASA AnyConnect vpn configuration with radius authentication and dynamic acl
In this blog post, we will configure Cisco ASA firewall for AnyConnect VPN. Remote users will be authenticated against a radius server to get access to the VPN and traffic filtering/firewalling will be done using downloadable dynamic acl from the radius server. Here we are using the exact same concepts from our previous blog post , just introducing radius authentication and downloadable acl from radius server. Let's as usual introduce our topology - 01 - AnyConnect VPN Topology The topology is straight forward. We have a inside network ( Outside network is where the ASA listens for anyconnect connections. And a management network which is just a out-of-band management network for ASA. We have a Win10-VPN-Client which will try to connect to inside network through anyconnect vpn. Debian-Client is just a client device in inside network to verify vpn connectivity. And Windows-NPS-Server is a radius server r...